Call for Abstracts: Bringing the Geosciences Together
The Local Organizing Committee (LOC), the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and the Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA) would like to invite all geoscientists from academia and industry to submit an abstract for the Geocongress 2018 to be held 18 to 20 July 2018 at the University of Johannesburg’s Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, South Africa.
The theme of this conference is “Bringing the Geosciences Together”, with the aim to provide a platform for southern Africa-based and – associated geoscientists to present their latest research.
View available geocongress 2018 topics here
About the Programme
The Geocongress will have over twenty sessions, which cover a wide range of geoscientific subjects, and is set to deliver on its promise to ‘bring the geosciences together’. They range from ‘hard rock’, comprising sessions on Large Igneous Provinces, alkaline rocks, and of course the Bushveld, to the more sedimentologically oriented sessions, covering, among other things the Karoo, detrital ler online zircons and deep water sedimentation, and a dedicated geophysical session.
In terms of time periods covered, the sessions go from the Archean to human evolution and the present-day water crisis in the Western Cape. The applied aspects of the geosciences are well represented, with sessions on ore deposits, energy and applied mineralogy.
In terms of professional development, attendants can catch up on their geo-ethics and understanding of the SAMREC code. For those who want to present, but feel that their subject is not catered for by the sessions on offer, the will be an open session that will showcase their findings.
Presenters can choose whether they prefer to give an oral or poster presentation. There will be dedicated poster sessions on every day of the congress, giving presenters ample opportunity to discuss their findings with their peers and colleagues.
Visit the Conference
Conference Secretariat
Scatterlings Conferences and Events
Charne Millett-Clay: +27(0)11 463 5085